It all begins with you –
love, success, joy and the change you desire for your life and the world.
Envision a life where you fully embrace your truest potential.
Picture yourself where you've longed to be, surrounded by the people who uplift and inspire you.
How would it feel to navigate your world from a space of authenticity and limitless possibility?
It's time to break free from self-sabotage, escape the cycle of suffering, so you can heal and manifest for the life you have always wished for.
New Purpose, new life.
Are you at a crossroads of your life?
Like fealing stuck in a deadend job, thinking about making a fresh start? Or dealing with the challenges in assuming a new role, like being a mother? Wondering if you are already doing what you came to this life do? Maybe the thoughts about your purpose in life even keep you awake at night, giving you the pain of feeling stuck. And it seems so hard to figure out the path forward.
Let me help you to find your purpose.
The good news: there is a part of you that already knows. That holds the whole truth about you. That is part of a higher wisdom and can guide you to a true fulfilling life. Some call it the unconsciousness. Some call it the Higher Self. But sometimes it is hard to connect with it. Get access to its wisdom. Understand the advice it is holding for you.
I can help you to connect with that part of you.
I use a set of methods – all designed for you to re-connect with your purpose. To achieve a clear view of who you really are, understanding your past and letting go of the parts that don’t serve you anymore. (Find out more about the methods I use, here).
Are you ready to find your true purpose?
Reconnect with your Higher Self that is waiting to guide you on your path forward?
Then make the next, easy step: lets meet for a free, consulting 15 minute talk online. To find out more about each other and if there is a way I can help you. I am looking forward to connect you with your true self and be a part of your journey of coming to a new life.
You are already sure which of my services you want to use. Then book here.
Hi, I am Diana
I am here to support you on your healing & manifestation journey as a mentor, witness, support, friend and coach.
If you're ready to invest in yourself by working one-on-one with me, I've developed a holistic system of private healing sessions and a monthly private coaching and mentorship container that will support you along the way.
Regardless of where you are in your spiritual healing journey, I’m here for you.
I am a certified BQH practitioner, Reiki master, Astrologer and Tarot reader.
I specialize in helping you to find your souls's PURPOSE, developing your soul's GIFTS and achieve your BEST LIFE by releasing any perceived limitations.
The aim of my work is to facilitate higher states of consciousness, to assist you listening the whispers of your soul and harness the power of your intuition.

Workshops and mentorship
Group Regression Workshop
A fun simple way to try hypnosis and experience a past life regression, to meet your spiritual guide or angel and to explore a future life through a hypnotic guided meditation.
This workshop is based on Dolores Cannon's technique.
Beyond Quantum Healing
Access your Higher Self and an expanded consciousness state through a deep hypnotic state to facilitate healing and personal transformation. Explore past lives with a holistic approach. You can choose to include Reiki, crystals & tarot in your session.
Quantum Connect
This is a multi-dimensional experience that will show you how to connect instantly with your Higher Self to access your inner wisdom to find answers within.
This technique does NOT require a hypnotic trance.
Tarot coaching
I use Tarot as a tool to access into the wisdom from our Higher Self to tap into your soul's plan for this life and focus on what your soul needs to address. You will get insights to see the bigger picture and get clarity about your life and your next steps.
I help my clients identify and remove both conscious and subconscious beliefs, behaviors, and perceived limitations
so they can begin to heal.
I guide them on a journey of healing and discovery within a secure space, allowing them to access insights and awareness, re-pattern limiting beliefs, heal themselves and unfold into the fullest expression of their most authentic selves so they can sparkle and shine and live a life of love, joy, abundance, and freedom.
It's time to get UNSTUCK so you can LEVEL UP!
It's your turn to heal. It's your time to shine. It's your time to expand and manifest your dream life!
I've developed a holistic approach for healing your heart, expanding your consciousness, and raising your vibe so that you can manifest a life of joy, love, abundance, and freedom. I use heart-centered coaching, hypnotherapy, breathwork, beyond quantum healing hypnosis, spiritual hypnosis, energy healing, cacao, tapping, meditation, movement, nature, and many other tools.
We’ll go straight to the source in your subconscious where you have an increased capacity for rapid change and massive shifts in a very short period of time.
Imagine if you could...
- o -
Break free of anything that is weighing you down and holding you back
Let go of bad habits, negative thought patterns, limiting beliefs, self-sabotaging behaviors, lack, scarcity, triggers...
They all have a root cause that is not always evident. We’ll safely go into the subconscious to find it, then reprogram and rewrite the code from the inside out.
find your most authentic self, and live your soul’s purpose.
A clear vision of success strengthens your confidence and courage to do what really fulfills you financially and in your heart.
Take care of your body
We often undervalue our body. We critisize it, we abuse it, we undestimate it.
It gives life. It allows us to be in this world, to experience happiness and joy.
Heal your heart and experience joy and self-love
Heal old wounds, release stuck emotions, shame, sadness, anger, traumas and anything that is hurting, preventing you from living a fulfilling, happy life, filled with joy and love.
I’ll help you feeling whole again so you can enjoy your best life.
The most important things for a happy life are depth, intensity and quality that we experience in our relationships.
Here's How I'll Support Your Healing & Expansion During Our Time Together
HEAL the 4 areas of YOUR life
I invite you to ...
I invite you to a space where you can reflect, understand and access your own information.
I look forward to inspire and guide you on your own transformation journey!
People say they feel lighter, like a load has been lifted, more expansive, enabling clarity and flow to emerge. There’s a familiarity of the true expansive self, so no more playing small from this point!
An amazing journey in consciousness.
Quantum Healing is an amazing journey in consciousness, a way to connect with your higher guidance and to find that all your answers and healing lie within.
Would you like to gain a deeper understanding of who you are and the point of it all? Would you like to know your soul purpose? Gain some answers to deeply held questions?
If you have a desire for clarity in taking the steps to move forwards in your life in the most fulfilling way, or have a curiosity to know more about who you really are and why you are here, or have emotional and health issues, you may be interested in exploring this through a Quantum Healing session.
You may wish to align with your innate wisdom and wellbeing to navigate your life’s path.
Explore your multidimensionality
I would love to answer your questions. Let's meet over a free 15 minute call!

You got this. I'm right here with you.
It's time to get UNSTUCK, to heal, to expand
So you can SHINE and to manifest your dream life!

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